This handbook was developed by Doreit S. Bialer, MA,OTR/L. Doreit is a nationally recognized occupational therapist who has taught hundreds of seminars around the country to health practioners. She has put together a simple, usable, tool for the benefit of helping patients establish core control, a fundamental principle that often gets overlooked due to a lack of time and knowledge. This is a must for all therapists working with both peds and adults, and is especially useful in as a prophylactic tool in the prevention of falls, for the elderly patient. The manual has photographs that depict specific techniques to address symmetry,midline control and body awareness. The techniques in the manual utilize, cost effective tools that can be used in any setting to assist patients with functional mobility and independence in self care. The suggestions are all based on underlying neurodevelopmental and sensory integrative techniques. This is an invaluable handbook for everyone, with easy to understand procedures.
Now Available – Sensory Motor Strategies